
Ginger Infused Herbal tea

Original price was: ₹349.00.Current price is: ₹299.00.

We all have our cup of Tea or Coffee and find it largely impossible to do away with that habit. So we thought, instead of asking people to do away with their habits, why can’t we just replace the beverage with a healthy one. Further, we realised that one flavour wouldn’t appease or do justice to a lot of people out there, so we came up with three flavours. Yes! Three Flavours and this is just the beginning…

Sariva 1
ingredients– nannari, cardamom, atimadura or licorice , saffron

Sariva 2
ingredients -nannari, cardamom, atimadura or licorice , saffron , vettiver

Sariva 3
ingredients -nannari, cardamom, atimadura or licorice , saffron , ginger

And believe us, it’s the easiest thing to prepare

We call it the dip & sip method:

  1. Dip the bag in a cup of 150ml boiling hot water
  2. Allow it to infuse for 1 to 2 minutes
  3. Enjoy your Sip with an exotic aroma and heavenly flavour.

And…don’t forget you have 3 flavours to choose from!

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Unveiling natural & wellness based beverages

Infusion based tea-like beverage to refresh your mind and gratify your taste buds!

A legacy to live and cherish

They say Wellness is half part of your thoughts and half part of what you consume. In fact, what you consume has such a bearing that it tends to influence your thoughts more than you could perceive. This is not a punchline out of some Pulp Fiction but rather a statement or conclusion derived from the age-old science of Ayurveda. Unlike most medical systems that focus on the disease and its cure, Ayurveda defines a more robust science of experiencing and sustaining wellness through appropriate dietary practices based on individual body constitution and the three principle energies within each body called Vatha, Pitha and Kapha.

The Legacy of SN PANDIT & SONS in service of mankind from 1928 has far outgrown its impeccable achievements almost giving it a cult status amongst not only the users and practitioners of Ayurveda but also manufacturers. A legacy that prides itself in giving products that are

  1. Solely developed on the principles of Ayurveda.
  2. Free from preservatives, mineral oils and antioxidant additives.
  3. Prepared without the use of artificial flavours and colours.

Brew your way to wellness

Wouldn’t it be wonderful to linger our taste buds with snacks or beverages that work based on the most adored wellness principles? With the added benefit of not having to compromise on taste! An experience that not only immortalizes Ayurveda but pushes its realm from beyond medicines to a new zone of Wellness Snacking and Sipping!

Well, let’s begin by unveiling the first set of wellness products – Infusion based Tea. So what’s the big deal here? We have had so many of them and many more to come!

Yes, that’s true but not from an institution that vouches for its tea being

  1. Caffeine-free
  2. Zero preservatives.
  3. Chemically free.

Now, would you buy from such an institution or not?

Gulp! Gulp! Drink it for the flavour and reclaim your health naturally.

We all have our cup of Tea or Coffee and find it largely impossible to do away with that habit. So we thought, instead of asking people to do away with their habits, why can’t we just replace the beverage with a healthy one. Further, we realised that one flavour wouldn’t appease or do justice to a lot of people out there, so we came up with three flavours. Yes! Three Flavours and this is just the beginning…

Sariva 1
ingredients– nannari, cardamom, atimadura or licorice , saffron

Sariva 2
ingredients -nannari, cardamom, atimadura or licorice , saffron , vettiver

Sariva 3
ingredients -nannari, cardamom, atimadura or licorice , saffron , ginger

It tastes wonderful, but how does my health benefit me?

Nannari, the main ingredient used, exhibits antibacterial and antifungal properties. It’s insecticidal, helps cure ulcers and functions as an antioxidant. Its anti-inflammatory and antipyretic properties help alleviate pain and inflammation. Its anti-diabetic property helps keep blood glucose levels in control. Cardamom functions as a diuretic to help relieve body ache, helps in cough, constipation, heartburn, vomiting and bloating of the stomach. Balances Kapha & Vatha doshas. Atimadura or Licorice normalises morbid Vatha and Pitta. It improves voice quality, skin complexion and promotes longevity. It also helps relieve itching and vomiting sensation. Saffron acts as an immunity enhancer and memory booster. It helps alleviate issues related to skin. Balances all three doshas. Ginger as everyone knows helps digestion works as an appetizer has anti-inflammatory properties and largely balances Kapha. Vetiver is a coolant and aids digestion. It also helps relieve fatigue and tiredness. It helps pacify Vatha and Pitta.

Would you deny yourself a beverage with such wonderful health benefits and wellness at its heart? Add to it an out worldly exotic aroma with a dash of ‘never so’ refreshing taste. What are you waiting for?

And believe us, it’s the easiest thing to prepare

We call it the dip & sip method:

  1. Dip the bag in a cup of 150ml boiling hot water
  2. Allow it to infuse for 1 to 2 minutes
  3. Enjoy your Sip with an exotic aroma and heavenly flavour.

And…don’t forget you have 3 flavours to choose from!

Let’s make this an irresistible offer for you.

Since it’s our very first launch in the wellness beverage segment, we thought it would be good to share our happiness with you. For every purchase, you make here, get an equivalent item for free. It essentially means…buy one and get one free.

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