
Shatavari Rasayana

Original price was: ₹275.00.Current price is: ₹255.00.

This avaleha has drugs that posses properties such as Asthana janana and sthanya shodhana (galactagogue)  properties, which is useful in lactating mothers. This can also be administered in dysmenorrhoea (Painful menstruation), irregular and delayed menstrual cycles. Found beneficial in premenopausal syndrome and postmenstrual syndrome It reduces the teekshnata of pitta, used in amla pitta, parinama shoola(duodenal ulcer), burning and painful urination, and in mouth ulcers. It is a very potent rasayana to increase the sperm count.

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Dose: 5-10 gms with milk twice daily.

Packing:  200 gm, 400 gm, 1 kg

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